dimarts, 1 d’octubre del 2013

Ashley Gibson, our new conversation teacher.

David Valle 

A new teacher has just come to our school to promote and improve communicative skills among our stutents. 

Her name is Ashley Gibson, 23,  and comes from Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Her responsability in our school will be to get students fluent in English by working in small groups inside the class. In this way, our students will have the chance to listen to a completely different accent they may be used to. Moreover, students will also have a great opportunity to share with Ashley a different culture and an extraordinary possibility to broaden their minds about the American way of life, customs and traditions. Every class from 1st to 4th ESO will have her classes once a week.

Ashley is not only going to give conversation classes in Secondary due to the fact that the students of Primary ( from 3rd to 6th Grade) will also have some of their classes once a week as well.

Soon we will have an interview with Ashley Gibson to know how she is doing with our students and her impressions about this new experience for her.  

The English Department welcomes Ashley and we wish her all the luck in our school.